
Watched Robocop, was very angry at how some people could just control other people’s emotions, treating others like an item. Now, I thought about my employer, aren’t they the same? Fro profits, for revenue, they could just get rid of employees. The worst part is that they get rid off people who know how things are done, but keep the people who have no brains at all.

Raid the pantry bread


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Was going to make an apple bread with left over apple sauce, but the apple sauce has gone bad, so I couldn’t use it. Looked into the pantry and fridge, I found an apple, mixed berry syrup and passion fruit syrup from last time. There’s frozen raspberry in the freezer. Just bought walnuts and pine nuts today. Guess they’d do.

I followed the banana bread recipe without the banana, added raspberries, cut up apple, mixed berry syrup and passion fruit syrup. Also added lightly toasted pine nuts and walnuts. Mixes everything together with a bit of grounded cinnamon. Poured the mixture into the loaf tin and into the oven it went. Fifty minutes later, turned oven off, took it out. Wa la

It smelt very nice, yummy too. My breakfast for the week.

Banana bread



Made banana cake yesterday by following

Used brown sugar and added cinnamon,also added some milk because I put too much self-raising flour. The recipe said using plain flour plus baking soda, but I used self-raising flour plus baking soda, no plain flour available. Instead of using one and half cup of flour, I used nearly two cups. Oh, honey was added as well.

It turned out bit too dry.

Today made another one with similar ingredients from yesterday, with less flour of course. Replaced honey with golden syrup, and separated it into two, one with mixed berry and the other one with passion fruit syrup, both turned out better than the one from yesterday.